This past month or so has been quite the roller coaster ride. But I feel grown up because I am learning to embrace it because through the ups & downs and the dips & whips I grow as a person and end up in a much better place then when I started. #loveit #growingup #twitterspeakisaddictive
But enough soapbox talk and on to more important things liiiiike FASHION :) As I was perusing (if that's even how you spell it) Facebook yesterday I came across a wonderful mini-video on Jenna Lyons of J Crew. Can you say genius?! Ohmygahhhh, she is definitely one of my fashion idols! LOVE HER! I love how she "dreams in sequins". #obsessed
Just take a peek for yourself and let this be your style inspiration for the rest of this week.
Until next time!