Sunday, March 6, 2011

happy happy joy joy

Alright people!! It's THE HAPPY INITIATIVE time!

10 things that made me HAPPY this week are...

- Sister time.
- Delish bread and dipping oil from Biaggi's in Maple Grove.
- Dresses. I would wear one everyday if I could!
- Homemade truffles and caramels. No, I didn't make them... But I should try some time.
- Naps. LOOOONG naps.
- My BCBG Paris black, suede peep-toe booties.
- Informational interviews with savvy business people.
- Puppies.
- Earl grey tea.
- The thought of just one more week left until spring break. Wahooooo!!

Tell me your happy moments of the week. No really, please do. You would make my day if you responded!



p.s... So I have an update on my "business plan". I have been meeting with different business owners and talking with professors about how to start my own business. I finally feel like an entrepreneur now. I have all these ideas in my head that I feel like I'm going to burst..I'm lovin' it.  I mean, it's going to be awhile before I even have the money to start but ya gotta start somewhere right?!

I'm trying to figure out some cute ways to set up a little work station for myself. I'm likin' the rustic feel captured here...
Image found at Photography done by Artemis Russell. 


  1. Seeing both a beautiful sunrise and amazing sunset in the same day.

  2. It makes me happy to see me on your blog roll! Thank so much sweetie! xo Samantha

  3. yay! the happy initiative is officially moving forward with the help of you ladies! thank you thank you! keep the comments and the happy coming!!! :)
